Friday, November 30, 2012

Lies of Omission

I mean come on, technically we have all been guilty of omitting something for the better of the majority.  Sometimes, you want to spare feelings, prevent drama, or even just keep a little mystery in your life.
But what about those things that could be harmful to other people?  For me at least, thats a no brainer, you tell them.  Say you have pink eye, simple enough, super annoying but not too hard to handle.  If I had pink eye and had been exposed to my friends or strangers, I would immediately tell those certain people that needed to know.  Sure I would be embarrassed that I had contracted such a thing but in that circumstance, I would feel worse if that thing I had was spread to my friends and I hadn't even told them about it.  How scary would that be?  To just have something wrong with you but not know what it was or where you got it from?
That would be bad kids, very bad and highly irresponsible.
So I am here to tell you this: If there is something wrong with you that is contagious.  TELL PEOPLE. If you don't you're being an inconsiderate asshole.  Sorry, but it's true.
It may be a simple as pink eye, or as severe as a transmittable disease
Be honest, be upfront, and don't be embarrassed.  It will be better for everyone if you just get it out of the way.

Obviously this is something in some form or another that I am currently experiencing, I will not go into details but something like the above is currently having a large effect on my life,  and I do not like it.

I hope you are all having spectacular weeks and that if you are in school you are nearing the end and are about to move on!  Yay.

Have a super lovely day!
Song of the Day: Mercy By: Kanye West

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