Monday, November 12, 2012

Im feeling 22

Hi my lovely love love loves of my life love!

How are we doing on this lovely November? I hope very well.
Well loves, I am now 22 which is pretty super.  I just got back from Las Vegas and needless to say, it was pretty unreal, in the best ways possible!  There was gambling to do, shows to see, shopping to be done, and I did it all friends, and potentially more because did I mention the hard hours I put in to dancing my ass off at XS and Tryst?  Because I did.  It was so amazing, and thanks to my father, I was a VIP guest of the hotel and I got to skip around and do what ever I want all of the amazing rolled into two days was almost too much to handle.  Ok, all excitement and bragging aside, I'm 22 now, far more mature than 21, and yet, I feel no legitimate change in my personality.  (Emo?) Nah, not really.  Just that I kind expected to feel a little different, and I don't, but I suppose that even still, someday I will feel that change.  Good things come to those who wait, that's what they say right?
Anyway, I hope you all are doing well, my life has been one hot mess after another, I broke my foot in some drunken crazy mess, I chopped off the tip of my thumb cooking for my lovely friends, and last weekend, I fell off of a curb, scraped my knee, and bruised my other foot! :(
Needless to say, hot mess.  Another new and exciting venture in my life, is all of the work I have been putting into my photography!
As most of you should know, I am starting a venture, a photo shoot that is my interpretation of Alice in Wonderland, the shoot takes place in February and right now I am working on costumes and concept!
I am very happy to say the entire shoot has already been casted!  I will post the cast list in my next post for those who are interested!
I have also been doing informal shoots over the weekends to clear my mind and to keep myself somewhat sane.  Sometime this week, I will be posting those to my other website: go ahead and check it out if you have nothing to do! :)
I hope you all are having incredible Novembers and hopefully I will get my act together and start posting on here more frequently!

As always, Have a lovely day! :)

Song of the Day: 22 By Taylor Swift (if isn't good but it is fitting!)

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