War, poverty, sickness, and sadly so many other categories are plagued by this deficit. Its hard to have any effect on such huge, world wide problems. And its hard to sit back while people are suffering through them. But sometimes, just sometimes, there is something we can do to help.
It may be a donation, an event, or even just a letter of support.
This past weekend I was lucky enough to participate in a fundraising event that's goals were not only to raise money but also to bring in a wave of fun to the people that need it most in my community. The Kids.
Soonerathon was the event I participated in along with a couple hundred of my closest friends. It was an event that's goal was to raise over 100,000 dollars for the OU Children's Hospital, taking the form of a 12 hour dance marathon in which we were required to stay on our feet and shake it for the kids, and with the kids, the very patients we were raising money for.
Being around these children that were fighting an array of diseases was way more than just inspiring, it was such an amazing experience that I'm actually at a loss for words.
Good thing I have pictures, I hear those are worth a thousand.
As you can see, even dealing with the struggles of sickness, they are able to keep these extremely positive, happy, and fun demeanors, something I can strive to always have.
One of the great joys of doing good works, is doing them with the people that you love. And I certainly experienced that. I've heard that the friends you make in college, are the friends you keep for life, and based on the friends I've made in college, I certainly hope thats true. I have never known more selfless, and giving people than my closest friends. Doing this event with them meant more than I will ever be able to admit. Sharing the love, the overwhelming happiness and this great memory will bond us forever, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Overall the event was a huge success in so many ways, and I was so happy to be a part of it. Thank you to the sponsors, the staff, the coordinators, the donators, the dancers, the families, and of course, the kids. By the end of the night, the fundraising total had an unreal number:
196,034.62 dollars. Raised by normal students with a dream to bring the fun and happiness and needed research and funding to the deserving youths of our community.
This is a memory I will never forget and I intend to keep in the forefront of my mind so that my entire life is driven by hope and success of this event.
I hope you all strive to find the love and fun where it normally wouldn't be found, or where it isn't easy to have it. Every little bit can really go a long way.
I love you all. Thank you for staying with me through my hiatus and still checking my blog, your traffic to this blog did not go unnoticed and it will be rewarded, I intend to post at least one blog a week, if not more. I think this is a reasonable goal to start out with and I will strive to accomplish it!
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