Friday, November 16, 2012


I love all of you, lets be lovers, you're one step closer to being famous.
I don't know what it is about this specific chair in this specific lecture hall, but it seems to grant me a great amount of productivity.  But I have decided not to look this gift horse in the mouth, if you will.....I've never understood that phrase but whatever.
OMG the prof just said "people consider this a sweet chapter because we talk about sugars" Oh O chem II prof, thank you for keeping things fresh, you go bro, you go.
This week I have once again been working on my photography project that seems never ending, and attempting, and I use that word extremely lightly, to start a youtube channel.  The largest problem with my start is, I'm not fucking funny at all.  Like really?! As soon as I turn on the camera, I become this loud, crazy person who has absolutely no purpose on the planet, let alone on youtube. Nonetheless, I will continue my endeavors and practicing being on camera for the greater good, and all my fans :)
I had something else to say......I can't remember......
This week in my life, I have been talking to my sister a lot about what it takes to be truly famous; one of my favorite discussions we had, was what it takes to be a famous person in the public eye.  We concluded that to go out in public, the general consensus of people with fame is that if they cover their eyes with sunglasses and look down, they must be a famous person hiding, and trying to be normal.  But really, aside from that old song, who wears their sunglasses inside? Very few people, you're either hungover, or ridiculously famous.  Those are the only possibilities.  Really.  So.  I have decided to run an experiment, when I go to places that are trendy and popular, I will put on my shades and perhaps a hat or sweater and see just what types of attention are granted to me.
Hopefully, this will prove to be an entertaining experiment in which I give out autographs and take pictures with people.  I really want to see how far I can take this like, if people come up to me and I ask "whats your favorite song of mine?"  I wonder what they would say.  Extremely excited to share the results with you my lovers.

1 comment:

Living Arete said...

strange... I was planning on doing this same thing...