Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lets the Games Begin

For those of you who are not currently aware, allow me to enlighten you, Dreaming Nina and I are best friends.  Shocking, I know.
Because of our friendship, we have come to a stage of over-familiarity.  We know how to push each others buttons and fervently do so on a daily basis.  Because of this, we throughly enjoy to "torture" each other.
As of late, we have entered into a double sided bet, highlighting our biggest weaknesses.
For the next week, I am absolutely banned from using any web search engine of any kind, this is to prey on my absolute obsession with always being right.
Its day three now and I'm slowly beginning to fall apart, there are so 
many things I would like to know and so many things I would like to 
ask my old friend google, and yet, I cannot. 
In order to stave off my personal Achilles, I have 
been forced to write down every question I have 
for google.  It has allowed me to reflect on just
how strange I truly am.  
An excerpt: 
Can you sprain your toe?
Learn more about the Amish
Are there poisonous bugs in Oklahoma?
When does Vampire Diaries come back on?
Just a few from a long winded and ever growing list, I assure you
holding out will be the hardest thing to date.  
The reason I have to hold out is, with every bet you make, there is an ultimate consequence, and in this case, its quite strange, to say the least.  The loser, who gives in will have to participate in what we like to call, "Awkward Elevator Games"  for a full list, please google it, I can't remember them all and I also can't look them up to find out what they are but needless to say, they are embarrassing.  What makes it more interesting however is that if we both win, we both have to do the games!  (I never said this made any sense at all)  
So if you're reading this, odds are you're curious to know what Nina's side of the bet is, well let me tell you, its a good one.  For those of you who know Nina, its even more enjoyable, she has to go a week without showing cleavage.  None at all.  For a whole week.  She has been dutiful in her sending me a picture of her crew neck tee every morning, and I don't know why but I think it is the funniest thing in the world.  
If anything of interest should arise from this wager, you'll be the first to know, I hope you are succeeding in all that you aim for this week and make it a good one, as always have a wonderful day, a wonderful week, and please, send me random google facts so I can get my fix <3

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