Friday, September 21, 2012


Hello blog beauties!

As some of you know, I am finally putting together my first, very large scene shoot!  This is something I have wanted to do for a long time, I have been planning and thinking the logistics through for quite some time and I am finally ready to get underway with the production!  My intensions are to have a shoot that I am calling "Alice in my land"  the basic idea is to take the innocence of Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" and transform the antagonists into what I think they would be like in modern times.
I don't want to give anything away, and I also haven't finished casting or constructing my actual idea but, I'm excited because I'm picking up speed on the project with the intention of putting it together in the next few months.  This is the first really big production I have been in charge of and I couldn't be more excited!
In other news, my foot is currently in some disrepair state between being fractured and broken.  Which basically means I get to look like a weird crippled person for the next two months.  How did it happen? No one knows.....which is quite possibly the most frustrating thing in the world.
I have decided to abstain from any and all organic chem classes that come my way.  It just isn't my cup of tea, to me, science is cold and impersonal.  I throughly enjoy what I have chosen to do with my life.
Well I hope you are all having a lovely time this week and have a wonderful day!

Song of the Day: Howlin' For You by The Black Keys

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