Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The End of an Era

I know what you're thinking, two blogs, one day, it must be the apocalypse.  Close.  Now shut up and sit down, the grown ups are talking.
Today marks the end of an era.  In less that 12 hours, my wisdom will be extracted from me.  It will be goodbye brilliance and wisdom, and hello mashed potatoes and ice cream (not together)
I am home from my collegiate hideaway and let me tell you, I am very ready to go back.  You see, in Norman, I live by myself, which means, no one comments if I wear sweatpants all day, no one scoffs if I take a 4pm nap, and no one complains if I just want to eat peanut butter for dinner.  Here there is a strict set of social rules that I essentially threw out the window in my apartment.  And I'm not saying that rules are bad, because they aren't of course, just that it will take some getting use to.
I thought I would sit down at my computer and spout off loquacious wisdom to you readers of mine and yet, theres nothing in my head but dread and fear.  So, for the second time today, this is where I leave you, I hope those of you with your wisdom intact, head for the hills so no one can take it from you, and those who are without wisdom, like I soon will be.....maybe we can like start a support group of something?  Yes, that sounds lovely.

Have a nice night you lovelies, if you're in Oklahoma, I hope you're enjoying the thunder as much as I am <3

Song of the.....evening?  Mariella ------------> By Kate Nash <3

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