I know what you're thinking, two blogs, one day, it must be the apocalypse. Close. Now shut up and sit down, the grown ups are talking.
Today marks the end of an era. In less that 12 hours, my wisdom will be extracted from me. It will be goodbye brilliance and wisdom, and hello mashed potatoes and ice cream (not together)
I am home from my collegiate hideaway and let me tell you, I am very ready to go back. You see, in Norman, I live by myself, which means, no one comments if I wear sweatpants all day, no one scoffs if I take a 4pm nap, and no one complains if I just want to eat peanut butter for dinner. Here there is a strict set of social rules that I essentially threw out the window in my apartment. And I'm not saying that rules are bad, because they aren't of course, just that it will take some getting use to.
I thought I would sit down at my computer and spout off loquacious wisdom to you readers of mine and yet, theres nothing in my head but dread and fear. So, for the second time today, this is where I leave you, I hope those of you with your wisdom intact, head for the hills so no one can take it from you, and those who are without wisdom, like I soon will be.....maybe we can like start a support group of something? Yes, that sounds lovely.
Have a nice night you lovelies, if you're in Oklahoma, I hope you're enjoying the thunder as much as I am <3
Song of the.....evening? Mariella ------------> By Kate Nash <3
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Smell and Remember!
I hope you all enjoyed that comical post from my dear friend, Nina, if you'd like to see more of her, go to her blog, Dreaming Nina, its linked on the side of my blog! Unfortunately, I'm back now, so get out your dictionaries because you're in for a ride with my sesquipedalian ways.
Lately I have noticed with a sharper frequency that certain fragrances transport me to various memories of my past. I know that scents have a direct correlation with one's own memories but as of late, I have noticed more and more certain smells that cause me to reminisce about times past.
For example, every time I wash my hands on campus, (which is all the time) the smell of that generic, industrial supply soap, reminds me of my days as a camp counselor, when that soap could be the only source of hygiene I experienced in a day. I think it is interesting that at camp, this is completely normal, missing a shower here and there, getting into a mud fight, all such activities of messy debauchery with minimal care or social pressure to clean up. I remember one time I was a counselor at camp, my friend and I took a bunch of campers on a four day canoe trip where we had absolutely no access to pummeling and on my first day back, not only did I look like a disaster, but when I tried to brush my hair, a simple form of grooming, the brush was stuck in my ratty hair, it was like a scene from the princess diaries!
Just the other day, I went to Target for some groceries, however, as usual, that is not the only thing I went home with, I blame the fact that I was there alone. But never the less, I decided I needed some new candles so I went to the appropriate aisle and began opening and smelly each and every one to pick my favorites. Then. There was a candle called "Silver Birch" I slowly opened the lid, bent my nose to a closer proximity and my head immediately filled with the musky scent of one of my best friends, Patrick. I literally almost bought the candle based solely on this fact! While smelling the candle I thought about Patrick, I also thought about the fact that I have been a horrible friend to him lately, as I am not the greatest at long distance friendships, so I called him, we talked for a long long time and it was lovely. I can't help but feel guilty though, because I doubt I would have called him, had I not smelled him (Cause that doesn't sound weird)
As embarrassed as I am to say this, currently, those are the only two instances that I can think of, so this, my dear friends is where I take my leave, please do not expect any posts from me for the next week, I am losing all of my wisdom tomorrow :( very very sad, I know.
As always lovelies, I hope your lives are going well!!!
Song of the Day: Die in Your Arms ----> Justin the Bieber :)
Lately I have noticed with a sharper frequency that certain fragrances transport me to various memories of my past. I know that scents have a direct correlation with one's own memories but as of late, I have noticed more and more certain smells that cause me to reminisce about times past.
For example, every time I wash my hands on campus, (which is all the time) the smell of that generic, industrial supply soap, reminds me of my days as a camp counselor, when that soap could be the only source of hygiene I experienced in a day. I think it is interesting that at camp, this is completely normal, missing a shower here and there, getting into a mud fight, all such activities of messy debauchery with minimal care or social pressure to clean up. I remember one time I was a counselor at camp, my friend and I took a bunch of campers on a four day canoe trip where we had absolutely no access to pummeling and on my first day back, not only did I look like a disaster, but when I tried to brush my hair, a simple form of grooming, the brush was stuck in my ratty hair, it was like a scene from the princess diaries!
Just the other day, I went to Target for some groceries, however, as usual, that is not the only thing I went home with, I blame the fact that I was there alone. But never the less, I decided I needed some new candles so I went to the appropriate aisle and began opening and smelly each and every one to pick my favorites. Then. There was a candle called "Silver Birch" I slowly opened the lid, bent my nose to a closer proximity and my head immediately filled with the musky scent of one of my best friends, Patrick. I literally almost bought the candle based solely on this fact! While smelling the candle I thought about Patrick, I also thought about the fact that I have been a horrible friend to him lately, as I am not the greatest at long distance friendships, so I called him, we talked for a long long time and it was lovely. I can't help but feel guilty though, because I doubt I would have called him, had I not smelled him (Cause that doesn't sound weird)
As embarrassed as I am to say this, currently, those are the only two instances that I can think of, so this, my dear friends is where I take my leave, please do not expect any posts from me for the next week, I am losing all of my wisdom tomorrow :( very very sad, I know.
As always lovelies, I hope your lives are going well!!!
Song of the Day: Die in Your Arms ----> Justin the Bieber :)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Hijacked post!
So I am not the usual loquacious Miss Benear, I am her sneaky side kick Bee!
I am sitting here listening to Kate clean up her kitchen after making a delicious meal THAT I CAN'T EAT! Well actually I could, but I already ate!
So what shall I say in the hijacked blog post? First I would like to point out that Miss Benear is probably one of the coolest people I know! She is amazingly loyal and I'm glad everyday she's in my life! Well most days.... hahaha. For any of you that don't know her, she is quite literally great at being a friend. Can someone actually be great at being a friend? Well Kate definitely can! I look forward to this future weekend when she will be high on pain killers and I can sit there and laugh and she won't take offense! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
I don't really know what else to say, so I will tell you about my dream last night!
I had a dream that I was born with an ability to talk to animals so all my friends were animals. My two besties were a hippo and a grizzly bear! Anyone want to interpret that for me? I think it's purely funny!!
Once again, I love Kate and I hoped you enjoyed this hijacked blogpost!
I am sitting here listening to Kate clean up her kitchen after making a delicious meal THAT I CAN'T EAT! Well actually I could, but I already ate!
So what shall I say in the hijacked blog post? First I would like to point out that Miss Benear is probably one of the coolest people I know! She is amazingly loyal and I'm glad everyday she's in my life! Well most days.... hahaha. For any of you that don't know her, she is quite literally great at being a friend. Can someone actually be great at being a friend? Well Kate definitely can! I look forward to this future weekend when she will be high on pain killers and I can sit there and laugh and she won't take offense! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
I don't really know what else to say, so I will tell you about my dream last night!
I had a dream that I was born with an ability to talk to animals so all my friends were animals. My two besties were a hippo and a grizzly bear! Anyone want to interpret that for me? I think it's purely funny!!
Once again, I love Kate and I hoped you enjoyed this hijacked blogpost!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Hello blog beauties!
As some of you know, I am finally putting together my first, very large scene shoot! This is something I have wanted to do for a long time, I have been planning and thinking the logistics through for quite some time and I am finally ready to get underway with the production! My intensions are to have a shoot that I am calling "Alice in my land" the basic idea is to take the innocence of Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" and transform the antagonists into what I think they would be like in modern times.
I don't want to give anything away, and I also haven't finished casting or constructing my actual idea but, I'm excited because I'm picking up speed on the project with the intention of putting it together in the next few months. This is the first really big production I have been in charge of and I couldn't be more excited!
In other news, my foot is currently in some disrepair state between being fractured and broken. Which basically means I get to look like a weird crippled person for the next two months. How did it happen? No one knows.....which is quite possibly the most frustrating thing in the world.
I have decided to abstain from any and all organic chem classes that come my way. It just isn't my cup of tea, to me, science is cold and impersonal. I throughly enjoy what I have chosen to do with my life.
Well I hope you are all having a lovely time this week and have a wonderful day!
Song of the Day: Howlin' For You by The Black Keys
As some of you know, I am finally putting together my first, very large scene shoot! This is something I have wanted to do for a long time, I have been planning and thinking the logistics through for quite some time and I am finally ready to get underway with the production! My intensions are to have a shoot that I am calling "Alice in my land" the basic idea is to take the innocence of Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" and transform the antagonists into what I think they would be like in modern times.
I don't want to give anything away, and I also haven't finished casting or constructing my actual idea but, I'm excited because I'm picking up speed on the project with the intention of putting it together in the next few months. This is the first really big production I have been in charge of and I couldn't be more excited!
In other news, my foot is currently in some disrepair state between being fractured and broken. Which basically means I get to look like a weird crippled person for the next two months. How did it happen? No one knows.....which is quite possibly the most frustrating thing in the world.
I have decided to abstain from any and all organic chem classes that come my way. It just isn't my cup of tea, to me, science is cold and impersonal. I throughly enjoy what I have chosen to do with my life.
Well I hope you are all having a lovely time this week and have a wonderful day!
Song of the Day: Howlin' For You by The Black Keys
Monday, September 17, 2012
Im In OChem?!
Hi all,
Today I write to you from the belly of the O chem II lecture hall. A lot of you may be asking yourselves what I'm doing in here, don't worry my lovelies, I'm wondering the same thing. Somehow, I got dragged into coming to a lecture to see if "I wanted to be a doctor" well, the lecture has yet to come to a close and I can tell you with great confidence, that I do not.
Today is my first day with the power to use google after a week long, torturous dry spell, if you will and interestingly enough, I haven't googled anything yet. I know, I'm just as shocked, confused and disinterested as you are. Who cares Kate? Probably no one. I just thought in the efforts of being completely honest with my online forum, I'd would let you know, take it as you will dear friends.
I just looked up from my screen to the domineering computer screen in front of me, I am very curious as to whether I am the only one in this lecture hall that has no idea whats going on, surely not, there are so many people here, surely at least one other person finds themselves in here by chance, surely theres another scared and confused Lit major in the room.
Rambling. I do this when I'm nervous, I'm nervous because I'm at a disadvantage scholastically when comparing myself to these science people. Ok friends, I'm at a loss for words, the professor's scientific babble is too hypnotic, I think now I shall learn about some Ions.
As always what ever you endeavor to do, do it well, whether you're in bed, in the library, or trapped in an O Chem class,
Until next time.
Oh yes friends, its back!
Song of the day: Some Nights by, Fun.
Today I write to you from the belly of the O chem II lecture hall. A lot of you may be asking yourselves what I'm doing in here, don't worry my lovelies, I'm wondering the same thing. Somehow, I got dragged into coming to a lecture to see if "I wanted to be a doctor" well, the lecture has yet to come to a close and I can tell you with great confidence, that I do not.
Today is my first day with the power to use google after a week long, torturous dry spell, if you will and interestingly enough, I haven't googled anything yet. I know, I'm just as shocked, confused and disinterested as you are. Who cares Kate? Probably no one. I just thought in the efforts of being completely honest with my online forum, I'd would let you know, take it as you will dear friends.
I just looked up from my screen to the domineering computer screen in front of me, I am very curious as to whether I am the only one in this lecture hall that has no idea whats going on, surely not, there are so many people here, surely at least one other person finds themselves in here by chance, surely theres another scared and confused Lit major in the room.
Rambling. I do this when I'm nervous, I'm nervous because I'm at a disadvantage scholastically when comparing myself to these science people. Ok friends, I'm at a loss for words, the professor's scientific babble is too hypnotic, I think now I shall learn about some Ions.
As always what ever you endeavor to do, do it well, whether you're in bed, in the library, or trapped in an O Chem class,
Until next time.
Oh yes friends, its back!
Song of the day: Some Nights by, Fun.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
End to the Madness
Hi everyone,
I greet you with a faint heart on this, the eve of the end to the madness. I am half the person I used to be. I feel debased without my search engines, as Im sure Nina would agree about her cleavage. I am a void.
Ok fair enough, that is slightly dramatic but when you're forced to give up your greatest vice, cold turkey or "suffer the consequences" well lets just say its not something I would wish on anyone. As stated in my previous blog, the act of writing down everything I want to google has shown me that I am an extremely strange person. But is there anything wrong with that? I think not. What some (Nina) may call an annoying need to be right (which is true), I call curiosity, so I want to know the answers to all of the questions life throws at me, is that so bad? You'd be surprised at just how many times a day the average person uses google, had I the ability (still not cracking), I would absolutely and unashamedly be the first one to spout that statistic off to you.
Looking back, I wonder if everyone in the world would be able to see their worst habit or offense and makes efforts for one week to change it. Would they do it? What exactly would happen? Personally, I think most people have stronger vices than Nina and I.
And for myself and Nina, I believe that if these are the two things that hinder us from being who we truly are, odds are, we're pretty great. And I speak from experience, Nina is awesome :)
Its 4 pm on Sunday, just a few hours from our goal and I can hardly contain my excitement. In the last day alone, my list of google-able items has doubled. It is a relief that I welcome with both arms open.
I think we can all learn a lot from abstaining from that one thing that we can't get enough of, be it sex, drugs, alcohol, a search engine fancy, or an enjoyment of ones cleavage, it never hurts to take a break, I think this time of reflection has actually made me fall into a deeper love with google and all its best friends (yahoo, askgeeves, wikipedia, etc)
Whatever you endeavor to do in life, I hope you do it well, as always have a wonderful day!
I greet you with a faint heart on this, the eve of the end to the madness. I am half the person I used to be. I feel debased without my search engines, as Im sure Nina would agree about her cleavage. I am a void.
Ok fair enough, that is slightly dramatic but when you're forced to give up your greatest vice, cold turkey or "suffer the consequences" well lets just say its not something I would wish on anyone. As stated in my previous blog, the act of writing down everything I want to google has shown me that I am an extremely strange person. But is there anything wrong with that? I think not. What some (Nina) may call an annoying need to be right (which is true), I call curiosity, so I want to know the answers to all of the questions life throws at me, is that so bad? You'd be surprised at just how many times a day the average person uses google, had I the ability (still not cracking), I would absolutely and unashamedly be the first one to spout that statistic off to you.
Looking back, I wonder if everyone in the world would be able to see their worst habit or offense and makes efforts for one week to change it. Would they do it? What exactly would happen? Personally, I think most people have stronger vices than Nina and I.
And for myself and Nina, I believe that if these are the two things that hinder us from being who we truly are, odds are, we're pretty great. And I speak from experience, Nina is awesome :)
Its 4 pm on Sunday, just a few hours from our goal and I can hardly contain my excitement. In the last day alone, my list of google-able items has doubled. It is a relief that I welcome with both arms open.
I think we can all learn a lot from abstaining from that one thing that we can't get enough of, be it sex, drugs, alcohol, a search engine fancy, or an enjoyment of ones cleavage, it never hurts to take a break, I think this time of reflection has actually made me fall into a deeper love with google and all its best friends (yahoo, askgeeves, wikipedia, etc)
Whatever you endeavor to do in life, I hope you do it well, as always have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Lets the Games Begin
For those of you who are not currently aware, allow me to enlighten you, Dreaming Nina and I are best friends. Shocking, I know.
Because of our friendship, we have come to a stage of over-familiarity. We know how to push each others buttons and fervently do so on a daily basis. Because of this, we throughly enjoy to "torture" each other.
As of late, we have entered into a double sided bet, highlighting our biggest weaknesses.
For the next week, I am absolutely banned from using any web search engine of any kind, this is to prey on my absolute obsession with always being right.
Because of our friendship, we have come to a stage of over-familiarity. We know how to push each others buttons and fervently do so on a daily basis. Because of this, we throughly enjoy to "torture" each other.
As of late, we have entered into a double sided bet, highlighting our biggest weaknesses.
For the next week, I am absolutely banned from using any web search engine of any kind, this is to prey on my absolute obsession with always being right.
Its day three now and I'm slowly beginning to fall apart, there are so
many things I would like to know and so many things I would like to
ask my old friend google, and yet, I cannot.
In order to stave off my personal Achilles, I have
been forced to write down every question I have
for google. It has allowed me to reflect on just
how strange I truly am.
An excerpt:
Can you sprain your toe?
Learn more about the Amish
Are there poisonous bugs in Oklahoma?
When does Vampire Diaries come back on?
Just a few from a long winded and ever growing list, I assure you
holding out will be the hardest thing to date.
The reason I have to hold out is, with every bet you make, there is an ultimate consequence, and in this case, its quite strange, to say the least. The loser, who gives in will have to participate in what we like to call, "Awkward Elevator Games" for a full list, please google it, I can't remember them all and I also can't look them up to find out what they are but needless to say, they are embarrassing. What makes it more interesting however is that if we both win, we both have to do the games! (I never said this made any sense at all)
So if you're reading this, odds are you're curious to know what Nina's side of the bet is, well let me tell you, its a good one. For those of you who know Nina, its even more enjoyable, she has to go a week without showing cleavage. None at all. For a whole week. She has been dutiful in her sending me a picture of her crew neck tee every morning, and I don't know why but I think it is the funniest thing in the world.
If anything of interest should arise from this wager, you'll be the first to know, I hope you are succeeding in all that you aim for this week and make it a good one, as always have a wonderful day, a wonderful week, and please, send me random google facts so I can get my fix <3
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