Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Its Been One of Those Days....

It been one of those days where:

I dressed half asleep,
I didn't do my hair,
I yelled at Lance,
I had sushi for breakfast,
I wore polka dot pants to school,
I didn't check the weather,
I forgot I was wearing sunglasses until my professor told me to take them off,
I say smart things in class and get totally shot down by my teacher who is on the fast track to becoming my second least favorite,
The guy next to me in class is far more interested in my spontaneous wearing of a pushup bra than the lecture,
I turned in a half-assed paper,
I realized Im all out of normal bras and need to do laundry
The coffee line at the bookmark is out the door
I spilled coffee on my computer,
I apparently looked so distraught that a random asked if they could pray for me
And where I came to the library to study and decided to write a blog instead.

The day is still young and I anticipate that it will improve, it was just a chain or series if you will of unfortunate events. I wrote this more for people enjoyment of how odd my day has been, I didn't write it as a complaint, Im actually having a decent day, all my homework is done, I'm wearing some pretty awesome pants that make me stand out, I now have coffee, I only have two more classes left, Im in my happy corner in the basement of the library and I am getting myself organized for the rest of the week.  I felt like more things happened today when I set out to write this post but I guess being that it is only 10:45, I haven't really left room for much to happen, unless you consider the fact that I got up at 5:30.

A comment I would like to make on the praying people though, ultimately and reluctantly I said "yes" because I didn't want to be the jerk who says no to a well wisher but I cannot tell you how angry that made me.  For those who know me as well as Nina does know that I am totally fine with religion, I will not speak about any beliefs I have or do not have because they are my business, to me, religion is something personal that should not be discussed with people that aren't like, say, your priest or that lady with the big hat on your pew that sings a little too loud and a little off key.  I am a random stranger who wants nothing to do with your impressing your religion on me.  Its not going to change my opinions.  I think its great that you have such a strong faith in whatever your faith is in but odds are, its not the same as my views.  So like a kindergartner with their hands, kindly keep them to yourself.  Thank you.

Im sorry if that offends anyone but religion is one of few things I have never been comfortable with talking about unless I feel out relationship is close enough that I could say things that you may agree with or may upset you.

If your days were off to an odd/not so great start like mine, I hope they improve exponentially!

Song of the Day: Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine

"Bad Day" Quotes

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem.  Everything else is inconvenience.  
~Robert Fulghum

If you're going through hell, keep going.  
~Winston Churchill

I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. 
~Agatha Christie

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.  
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I like all of these but the last two are from two authors that I idolize very much.

Again have a wonderful day! 


Living Arete said...

sushi for breakfast sounds pretty good right now.

did he or she pray for you or with you?

hope your day is starting to look up

Unknown said...

she and for me which was nice but then she proceeded to do it in public and it made me feel very uncomforable