Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello Blogger, are you there? Its me Kate

Yes I am back!

I had a nice long break from school and I thought, "excellent, I can blog everyday about my life and random people can read about how absolutely uninteresting I am on a daily basis!"
However, my life proved to be more boring than expected, so boring that it made me sick to think about writing about it.  Essentially, what you missed out on was me working endlessly at my minimum wage job and spending short amounts of time with my friends, parents and my dog.
So, here are the highlights:
Christmas eve I spent preparing for our annual Brown Christmas Eve party with my father and sister, my mother works until 5:30 on the eve because she is a manager at a local retail store.  We made this gorgeous tower of sweets, my sister and I and cleaned the house from top to bottom.

The next morning was naturally Christmas day and my family spent it together along with my grandparents and aunts and uncles, it was really fun and my mother made an amazing brunch! 
I got a new camera and lens for my bigger camera and I  was very pleased to receive both of them because I WANTED them and naturally asked for them.  That night however, a sickness I had been trying to avoid got the better of me and I had to stay home from the first Thunder game of the season which I really WANTED to go to :( I was really depressed but I insisted that my whole family go without me because I wanted them to enjoy themselves.  I however, stayed at home and played Paper Mario on my wii (Another Christmas gift I WANTED) which was fun but certainly less fulfilling than a Thunder game.  
While I was sitting at home alone, I composed some whining texts to my friends like "hows your Christmas? Im stuck at home alone, sad face, sad head"  and "Omg, like being sick totes sucks like, you know?" And one of my quite wise compadre, Brandon shot back at me "Kate, time to stop being sick and start being awesome!!"  This message first made me literally laugh out loud because it is a quote from my favorite character from How I Met Your Mother and also because it caused me to see what a lame brat I was being, pouting instead of doing something to end my illness.  For the next few days I slept hard and long so that my body could recharge and fight back for my well being.  

During this time of re-cooperation, I was in my bedroom for a great while staring at the multitudes of gifts I had received that were simply luxuries that I did not need. And on top of that I was baffled as to where I would put all of the stuff that I had been given.  

I finally decided that I would take about half of my old clothes that I haven't worn in ages and donate them to charity.  For one, because its silly and wasteful for me to have such a mass of clothing in my closet, and for a second reason because there are people who cannot help their situation and perhaps didn't get the things they NEEDED for Christmas.  AH. Now the awkward caps locked "Wanted" makes sense, I'm not saying that people who don't give things away are awful, but in my circumstance, its silly, my parents still support me and the money I make at my job, well, most of it I spend on new clothes from H&M.
Theres no direct point to this blog, I just wanted to tell a story of How Kate didn't Steal Christmas from Anyone and didn't really have an eventful break.  
If that was really a movie title, I doubt I would see it........

Anyway, this is the end, if this isn't as dream worldy, as Nina's blog 
or creative as Kyle's blog, or thought provoking as Brandon's, I don't care.  My friends are very talented, and I love everything they do but I have no specific thing that I do on this blog so you never know what to expect, because I do whatever I want.  

Ha. Sorry for the sassy bit there.  

Todays song of the day is:         Forever Yours     by: Alex Day
This weeks book is:        The Fault in Our Stars     by: John Green 


1 comment:

Living Arete said...

now I want a tower of treats! This was a good post. and no not because I was mentioned twice haha