Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Its Been One of Those Days....

It been one of those days where:

I dressed half asleep,
I didn't do my hair,
I yelled at Lance,
I had sushi for breakfast,
I wore polka dot pants to school,
I didn't check the weather,
I forgot I was wearing sunglasses until my professor told me to take them off,
I say smart things in class and get totally shot down by my teacher who is on the fast track to becoming my second least favorite,
The guy next to me in class is far more interested in my spontaneous wearing of a pushup bra than the lecture,
I turned in a half-assed paper,
I realized Im all out of normal bras and need to do laundry
The coffee line at the bookmark is out the door
I spilled coffee on my computer,
I apparently looked so distraught that a random asked if they could pray for me
And where I came to the library to study and decided to write a blog instead.

The day is still young and I anticipate that it will improve, it was just a chain or series if you will of unfortunate events. I wrote this more for people enjoyment of how odd my day has been, I didn't write it as a complaint, Im actually having a decent day, all my homework is done, I'm wearing some pretty awesome pants that make me stand out, I now have coffee, I only have two more classes left, Im in my happy corner in the basement of the library and I am getting myself organized for the rest of the week.  I felt like more things happened today when I set out to write this post but I guess being that it is only 10:45, I haven't really left room for much to happen, unless you consider the fact that I got up at 5:30.

A comment I would like to make on the praying people though, ultimately and reluctantly I said "yes" because I didn't want to be the jerk who says no to a well wisher but I cannot tell you how angry that made me.  For those who know me as well as Nina does know that I am totally fine with religion, I will not speak about any beliefs I have or do not have because they are my business, to me, religion is something personal that should not be discussed with people that aren't like, say, your priest or that lady with the big hat on your pew that sings a little too loud and a little off key.  I am a random stranger who wants nothing to do with your impressing your religion on me.  Its not going to change my opinions.  I think its great that you have such a strong faith in whatever your faith is in but odds are, its not the same as my views.  So like a kindergartner with their hands, kindly keep them to yourself.  Thank you.

Im sorry if that offends anyone but religion is one of few things I have never been comfortable with talking about unless I feel out relationship is close enough that I could say things that you may agree with or may upset you.

If your days were off to an odd/not so great start like mine, I hope they improve exponentially!

Song of the Day: Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine

"Bad Day" Quotes

If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem.  Everything else is inconvenience.  
~Robert Fulghum

If you're going through hell, keep going.  
~Winston Churchill

I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. 
~Agatha Christie

When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.  
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I like all of these but the last two are from two authors that I idolize very much.

Again have a wonderful day! 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today I had many little “goals” that I wanted to get accomplished and I am proud to say that I did them all.  
To start with, my dresser has been broken for about two months now and I have really been wanting to get this useless piece of junk out of my room to free up unused space.  The only problem is that I kept putting it off because it is so heavy.  Well not today.  After a very long day at work i barely lifted that monster of the ground and limped it into my living room.  I thought “thats progress.  I could stop for the day.” And I was hard pressed to find  reason why I shouldn’t.  In the end, I made it to my front door and ahead of me was my biggest challenge yet.  The stairs.  
Now normally, I like stairs, but about a week ago, I was in the English building talking to friends on the stairwell when right in front of me a girl lost her footing and fell onto the landing, head first.  I watched this girl lay still until a second had past and we all rushed over to the girl.  She was bleeding and soon started to seize.  About 15 minutes later, the ambulance came and they made us leave this stranger on the stairs.  Two days later I spent about twenty minutes begging the women at the front desk to tell me if they had ANY information on this girl, in a drone-like way the continued to repeat that it was all confidential information and that they could tell me nothing.  Finally all I received from the most annoyed office woman was, “She’s out of the hospital and recovering.”  This sent relief through my whole body, I am very happy that she was okay, but it makes me really nervous now every time I go down a stair case.  
But back to today, I was not only fearful because of the aforementioned story but also because I was going to be pulling a dresser that weighed more than I do down a steep flight of stairs and that was pretty scary.  I did the logical thing however and took them very slowly, one at a time, soon I had reached the bottom and only had to carry the dresser to the dumpster.  Successful.
This day I also rearranged my bedroom furniture but that is not very interesting.  
The ironic part of my evening came when I was trying to get my new knives out of their ridiculous packaging.  I used scissors to get those plastic straps that everyone hates off of them and....the scissors slipped and well, now I am donning a bandaid on my middle finger so that’s super.  But really? Cut with scissors when opening a knife? 
oh. god. 

Song of the Day:  The Creep by: Lonely Island

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Its raining, and that makes me happy face, happy head :)

New Mexican Adventure

The opening scene scene:  A red Volvo SUV carrying four super excited, slightly tired, and caffeine wired friends on an 8 hour drive to a small town a state and a half away.  Sipapu, New Mexico.

It started out as a road trip where four friends would share the driving equally but, one saw it as a Challenge. And that man accepted the challenge with his trusty sidekicks, Kevin and a case of red bull, don't get me wrong, Kevin did his share of the driving too but not during the part that is significant to the story.

Nina and I were in the back seat I on one side, she on the other, reading The Game of Thrones and The Fault in our Stars, whist these plots were consuming our thoughts, we took turns, constantly interrupting each other to have our famous "half conversations" in which absolutely no one, especially the poor boys in the front knows what is going on.  About half an hour into the drive, we both took a pill for motion sickness so that we could read the whole trip.  These however were not non drowsy and they quickly took Nina from complete consciousness to some odd state in-between consciousness and her absolute dream world.  It took a little longer to work on me so I continued with my reading, sad that my friend had left me for a vacation with the inside of her eyelids.  I had no concern with what surrounded me, I was confident that my friends would get us safely to the half way mark but that wouldn't happen without some bumps and a swerve.

We were nearing the boarder between Oklahoma and Texas to the West.  We were not far from the boarder when Brandon, in a mild tone said, "Wait...What?" Before my eyes had lifted off the page we had slid quickly and precisely into the other lane while a speeding car with bright lights, went off in the opposite direction.  But we were all safe.

I felt like that part of the story would sound better as a kind of "thriller" I don't know, this is just me avoiding my actual work.

But the gist of the story is, my friend saved us all from a drunk driver, who was East bound in the West lane.  It was incredible and it is something I will probably never forget.

When we finally made it to the town in New Mexico, after few other problems, it was early in the morning, still dark, and everyone was asleep.  We had a very hard and frustrating time finding the stupid night office but once we did, and once we finally got to our room, we all felt much better about recent occurrences.  We were safe and we had beds and a heater, all was good.

According to Kevin's phone said it was 10:00 but I do assure you that was not the case.

The boys/men? Guys woke early and were eager to explore, rent their gear, and ultimately board.  Nina and I however were not.  We had all agreed to sleep till 10 and we, being women of our word did just that.
We awoke at the proper time and it was time for me to make my decision.  I ultimately after much talking at Nina decided to not part take in the winter sport we had come up to do.  I was tired from work and just wanted a break and on top of that my heath insurance had lapsed because my parents were switching carriers that fateful weekend, I, being quite accident prone decided not to risk it, oh the irony in that looking back.

That first day I got hiking trail information determined to steal one of my friends from the slopes to go with.  But while I waited, I went to the bar, had a drink and some small conversations with a bartender named Jeff and went back to my lovely bed to read and relax in the beautiful sunlight.

It hadn't been more than two hours when I saw a tall, thin guy limping toward my doorway, it was Kevin.  I quickly put my book down to see if he was okay, he had injured his knee in a fall and was fatigued and was going to go back to bed.  He assured me he was fine and I continued to read.  Not five minutes later did I see another person walking toward the door, this time it was Brandon with what he thought, and was later confirmed to be a dislocated shoulder.  At this point I thought to myself "What next?" And then I saw a little girl holding her side walking slowly to the door frame.  One run had injured ALL of my friends! I felt awful for all of them and did my best to comfort and doctor them in what ways they would allow me to.

At this point I felt like the trip was kind of a bust, I wasn't boarding, no one could go hiking with me, and I hadn't really done anything.  That night we went to Taos and had a really fun time at dinner, came back went to bed early.  The next day everyone went out again and did a few runs, Nina gave up early, unable to get over her pain and so I had a companion.  This night was my favorite because we watched a football game, ate, and played cards together.  It was the first thing that we all did together it was really fun.

I didn't want to get into the details in a play by play fashion but I feel like I kind of did, so I am sorry if this was way too long.  I had an amazing trip with my friends, and I hope we do something similar next year, and I hope that Kyle can come because, you were missed!!

For those that are interested I have packed up most of what I am donating to charity.  Last night I was putting in some old jackets and pants, which were juicy couture, and I thought "how lucky these less fortunate people will be to have designer clothes"  and then quickly, how bitchy/rude/stupid/inconsiderate that sounds hit me.  I am not ashamed to admit I thought that because I can proudly say, that is not me.  I am donating those clothes because I do not wear them, not because they are fancy and I think my contributions are better.  I would like to apologize to the world for even thinking that because it disgusts me.

I hope you all are having a wonderful week and that you continue to do so!

Song of the day: (Trip inspired) "Bounce that dick" by Jenna Marbles.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sometimes a Gangsta, more like a Wangsta

I've been meaning to write this post for a while.
It's about my very favorite guilty pleasure in the whole entire world, singing and dancing in the car.

This is something that my friends have told me on multiple occasions that when they've seen me doing it, that its the funniest thing in the world and they just start dying laughing.

The reason behind my comical concerts is because when I am in a car alone, I become, Adele, the girl from Hush Sound, Regina Spektor, Chris Martin of Coldplay, Alex Day, Charlie Mcdonnell, embarressingly, sometimes to Selena Gomez and Hannah Montana  and yes, even sometimes, Tpain, Kanye West, and Chris Brown.  Such a list I've created here, how very Ginsberg of me......Ginsberg? Allen Ginsberg? Wrote "Howl and other poems" like really famous for obnoxious lists and satire?
I'm a Lit nerd.

But I digress, when I am in the car by myself, I really like to overdo things like, my phone, plugged into my car?  That becomes my mic thats plugged and ready.  The cars in front of me? Obviously the crowd thats cheering me on.  And that awkward guy that drives at the same speed as me and you both awkwardly look at each other because its really weird that you're neck and neck driving down the road? You better believe he's that one fan that gets serenaded.

I think that the two main reasons I do things like this in the car are:
1.  Im always bored/lonely when I'm driving
2.  I love to sing and I wish that I had tried pursuing it a little more.

That second reason always brings up uneasy feelings in me, what if I had stuck with that singing thing?  What if I hadn't been sick the day of my audition for OU's music school?  What would I be doing right now?  Would my life be different?  Would I know these people that have become my best friends?

Part of me likes to wonder about all of the things that "could of been" yet, the other part of me loathes it.  How dare I even think about having a different life, to not have my friends that I have now, well, I don't know what I would do without them.  To be a singer?  Then I wouldn't be this awesome lit nerd and I couldn't spout off random facts about random authors, and without that, what good would I be really?

Ideally, I really would like to like, kind of pursue music again but not to make it my life, but as a more public hobby.
I think for now, I'll just stick with my private shows and concerts that I have been known to hold in front of people on like, insanely long road trips.

This post was originally going to be just about me turning into a rap star in the car because I think that that is the funniest thing I do.  I mean really? A white girl singing about her "Bitches and Hoes?"  Its kind of the funniest thing in the world.

Like do you remember that one show on MTV where they installed a camera in people cars and recorded them singing and dancing?  Well let me tell you, I could have my own show like that and it would air for like at least 9 seasons, thats how awesome my rapping is.

Anyway here is the end of this insanely embarrassing blog post.  I hope you enjoyed it.

To stick with the theme because these are two songs that I SUPER of do:
Song of the day:  Niggas in Paris by: Kanye West feat. Jay-Z

Youtube video of the day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO1QBTG6EXs


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello Blogger, are you there? Its me Kate

Yes I am back!

I had a nice long break from school and I thought, "excellent, I can blog everyday about my life and random people can read about how absolutely uninteresting I am on a daily basis!"
However, my life proved to be more boring than expected, so boring that it made me sick to think about writing about it.  Essentially, what you missed out on was me working endlessly at my minimum wage job and spending short amounts of time with my friends, parents and my dog.
So, here are the highlights:
Christmas eve I spent preparing for our annual Brown Christmas Eve party with my father and sister, my mother works until 5:30 on the eve because she is a manager at a local retail store.  We made this gorgeous tower of sweets, my sister and I and cleaned the house from top to bottom.

The next morning was naturally Christmas day and my family spent it together along with my grandparents and aunts and uncles, it was really fun and my mother made an amazing brunch! 
I got a new camera and lens for my bigger camera and I  was very pleased to receive both of them because I WANTED them and naturally asked for them.  That night however, a sickness I had been trying to avoid got the better of me and I had to stay home from the first Thunder game of the season which I really WANTED to go to :( I was really depressed but I insisted that my whole family go without me because I wanted them to enjoy themselves.  I however, stayed at home and played Paper Mario on my wii (Another Christmas gift I WANTED) which was fun but certainly less fulfilling than a Thunder game.  
While I was sitting at home alone, I composed some whining texts to my friends like "hows your Christmas? Im stuck at home alone, sad face, sad head"  and "Omg, like being sick totes sucks like, you know?" And one of my quite wise compadre, Brandon shot back at me "Kate, time to stop being sick and start being awesome!!"  This message first made me literally laugh out loud because it is a quote from my favorite character from How I Met Your Mother and also because it caused me to see what a lame brat I was being, pouting instead of doing something to end my illness.  For the next few days I slept hard and long so that my body could recharge and fight back for my well being.  

During this time of re-cooperation, I was in my bedroom for a great while staring at the multitudes of gifts I had received that were simply luxuries that I did not need. And on top of that I was baffled as to where I would put all of the stuff that I had been given.  

I finally decided that I would take about half of my old clothes that I haven't worn in ages and donate them to charity.  For one, because its silly and wasteful for me to have such a mass of clothing in my closet, and for a second reason because there are people who cannot help their situation and perhaps didn't get the things they NEEDED for Christmas.  AH. Now the awkward caps locked "Wanted" makes sense, I'm not saying that people who don't give things away are awful, but in my circumstance, its silly, my parents still support me and the money I make at my job, well, most of it I spend on new clothes from H&M.
Theres no direct point to this blog, I just wanted to tell a story of How Kate didn't Steal Christmas from Anyone and didn't really have an eventful break.  
If that was really a movie title, I doubt I would see it........

Anyway, this is the end, if this isn't as dream worldy, as Nina's blog 
or creative as Kyle's blog, or thought provoking as Brandon's, I don't care.  My friends are very talented, and I love everything they do but I have no specific thing that I do on this blog so you never know what to expect, because I do whatever I want.  

Ha. Sorry for the sassy bit there.  

Todays song of the day is:         Forever Yours     by: Alex Day
This weeks book is:        The Fault in Our Stars     by: John Green 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The apocalyptic lack of apocalypse

So in my personal opinion, all this nonsense about the end of the world is exactly that, nonsense, rubbish, and a waste of our time.  It is an excuse for silly news stories, crazy men to run around screaming and for some guy named Hank to make a killing on "apocalyptic" or "post apocalyptic" survival gear and t-shirts.  Not that I have anything against the news, crazy yelling men, merchants named Hank or the overall process of commerce but its silly and wasteful in my opinion.

Now I'm no expert on these theories to the end of the world, but I'm fairly certain that they have all been debunked by NASA and other scientists about.  The idea that the world could end over night, is quite silly, yes, it could happen but should we really live our lives just worrying about whether we won't exist tomorrow?

Well actually, kind of.  If the way you are living is "like there's no tomorrow" as the kids have been known to say then bravo, you have carpe-d the ass out of that diem and you should be proud.

However, if you are going up to Hank and buying freezer dried food and hazmat suit, dear god my friend, you have something terribly wrong with you.

I think that this is something that we just shouldn't think about.  And as for Mayans, no disrespect but why don't you just buy a new calendar because if the world doesn't end, you're going to look pretty darn silly, and if it does, what are you going to do? Say I told you so? We'll all be dead....sooooo.....moot point there buddy.

Anyway happy new year to all and live everyday to the fullest!

and remember:

Always deny the apocalypse because you'll usually be right and we you're wrong there will be nobody around to say 'I told you so'

Thank you for reading my rant and the very fitting song of the day is
We Are Young By: Fun.