Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Molding the minds of our generation

I have decided that my new blog theme will be molding the minds of our generation.  
Very bold, I know. 
But I think I can be your one source for knowledge, a mecca of insight if you will. 
Today we are going to talk about something that I questioned just this very day and  that is how is it that those annoying blinking signs on the side of the road that tell me Im going "too fast" and "over the speed limit"and what business is it of theirs to tell us what to.  
Today my friend you are going to take a trip to education station and learn all about the wonders of these electronic monsters that rule the roads.
To start us off, this is exactly what I am talking about:

And this is how I feel about them:

So what are these evil little devices that cause us all so much pain?  Well they are called speed cameras, quite appropriately as they clock your speed when you approach them in a vehicle.  
How do they work?
Its elementary my dear pupil, you see, the vehicle is speeding in my supposed scenario, as it passes by, an automatic radar, shoots at the center of the vehicle and calculates the speed the object is going by using a simple distance x time equation to discover the rate of the approaching vehicle.  If the car is in fact speeding, the light flashes and you are given a chance to correct your error, if you do not, a camera takes a picture of your license plate.  A background check is then done on your vehicle such as, a check through the database of stolen and rented cars, supervised by police.  The fine is then mailed to the owner go the car.  A contestation is possible if the owner was not the driver.
Back to the radar, in some cases, it uses electromagnetic waves to detect objects and determine their speed and distance.

Andddddd thats all you really need to know, if you have any questions or suggestions about what we should cover next please leave it in the comments, we will reconvene in this forum whenever the fuck I write again. 

Remember, keep questioning everything. 


Living Arete said...

I pass these on the way to work every day, always speeding, and I have yet to receive a ticket. I supposed the devices I pass could be of lesser quality though.

I have heard about cameras under bridges and overpasses that will clock your speed and then estimate how much time it should take you to the next "checkpoint". If you make it to the next "checkpoint" faster than the average person driving at the posted speed limit then you are mailed a fine of an appropriate amount.

Takes the fun out of driving!

The Fantasy World said...

I BLAST through these speed traps.

Fuck them. Never received a warning, ticket or citation.

Don't live your life in fear.

I also give them the bird as I drive by, since I'm so full of road rage and despise that our tax dollars are being spent on useless devices like these instead of on education, art or other useful services for the community.

I also speed habitually. Usually 10 over (if I have a "diversion" in front of me.)

in other words I let a car pass me then I go about or just under their speed. These targets have been caught by police at least 6 times when I haven't.

also I've been pulled over 11 times, and got 2 tickets.

one ticket was for turning right on red when there was a "no turn" sign up.