Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Quality over Quantity

I have received permission, well, more like elated demands from one of my "models" who wants her pictures posted on this forum.  I will probably get around to this tomorrow, I want to look at the color on the pictures and adjust them as I see fit before posting them on here.
The same person also complained that I had not yet updated my blog today, she even jokingly suggested I skip my homework to do this, that was very flattering for me to find out that I had more than two people reading my blog but as I told her, I feel kind of cheap forcing the wisdom and words out of soul.  I am much more comfortable with expressing them as they come.  So please do not cry if I go a few days without writing.  I will however try to post pictures I've taken with a small anecdote to please the "demand" haha.
But I do not want to lose the enjoyment that I receive from said forum.  This is a way for me to release my feelings, relax and polish my literary skills.  I enjoy the compliments very much and thank those who have given them.
I hope that everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving break and that you all enjoy your turkeys, tofurkeys, or what-have-yous.

Song of the day:  5 O'clock  By Tpain feat. Whiz Khalifa and Lily Allen
this is a joke, this song absolutely annoys me to death but I wanted someone to see it here :)

Here's some random pictures! Enjoy!


Living Arete said...

Awesome! Congrats on adding another reader to your blog. I think it is good practice to semi post a blog. For example, I write a blog post, short story, poem, etc then I save it as a draft. I can always post it later or revise it gradually. But I think writing everyday is beneficial. I almost looked up that song... save some tofurkey for me. I'm curious about it now

Living Arete said...

Also a few good food blogs

-Menu Madness

-Sugar & Spice

-Tami's Kitchen Table Talk

Poetry Blog

-Bolts of Silk

-The Fantasy World :P

The Fantasy World said...

Great pics Kate, love the tree one, but I'm a sucker for trees. I have some fall pics that I'll upload later in the week. The Last Leafy Likeness Looming Leary on Little Limbs...