Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Faces, New Places


I've been to so many foreign places in my life, from the Forbidden Islands of Hawaii, to the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps, to the relaxing waters of Mexico, to gaze on the beauty and power of Mount. Vesuvius, to the inside of the Coliseum and hiding on an alley in Capri and many more, but I did not want to bore whoever reads this with all of my photography. 
Sadly, my beautiful Nikon will not be joining me this trip which relieves me in a way because it is my large and bulky, yet delicate flower.  I will however still be taking pictures because I can't imagine being without one.  It's thanks to my friends that I have a more portable camera with which to capture the memories of my trip to Las Vegas, so close to home and yet still so foreign to me.  I fear that such a good time will be had that the only real memories I will have will be through the lens on my camera.
I am unsure of just what awaits me in this city, gambling, night clubs, and the occasion hooker, perhaps I'll take in a show at Thunder from down under, who knows I greatly anticipate a good time and I can't wait for the plane to touch down. 
Song of the day:  Almost Familiar by Pretty Lights

Good day, Internet. 

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