Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fantasy for Fantasy

I did a focus called "Fantasy escape for fantasy characters"  I'm posting the first set of pictures from this which was Dorthy from The Wizard of Oz.  My thoughts when making this was to expose the secrets and desires of these childhood idols and show them to everyone.  I hope you enjoy them they were a blast to shoot!  "Dorthy's Day Off"

That's just a peak into the 150 pictures I took of "Dorthy" but there are wayyyy too many of them.  The best part or rather the most awkward thing about this shoot was there were young children all over this park and their parents wondering what on earth we were doing.  

On a completely unrelated note:

This week is Thanksgiving break which for most people means family, food, and football but for people from the little town of Nicholas Hills it means throwing money at the Beaux Arts Charity to watch young women in wedding dresses and young men in tuxes parade around a ball room.  It's debutant season!  I am both happy and sad that I will not be one of the girls in an obnoxious white dress this year, it was both extremely fun but also extremely stressful, I can't wait to see my younger friends presented but, I am even more excited to go to their coming out parties downtown! 

Yes it looks like a ton of fun to some people but that stress I was talking about might just turn you into what my mother and sister being calling me, "Debzilla" I was so nervous about bowing to the king (yes my town is stuck in the middle ages for sure) and dancing on the floor that I became this angry, yelling, crazy person that I had no control over.

Just an example of what Debzilla looks like, it became a really funny joke so then I would act like this all of the time.  Haha Goodness I'm beautiful and not at all full of myself. Well, as I said this year I will be watching as a member of the royal court (I mean really, 21st century right?) 
But I still can't wait!  Happy Thanksgiving again!

SONG OF THE DAY:  Dress and Tie 
By: Charlene Kaye feat. Darren Criss from Glee
Really good song check it out!!! 


Living Arete said...

I really want to get into costume now. haha But seriously we need to all be "models" for Fantasy escape for fantasy characters! In different costumes...I dont think anyone should see me or Kaito dressed as Dorothy.

Have fun tonight! You kids make good choices. No debzillas

ninalinda said...

You must have a really good friend who embarrassed herself in front of a family! And might I say, she is SEXXXXYY!