Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wise Words

Hey Blogosphere!

So today in my class with my favorite teacher someone said something about multitasking.  Now, generally, my teacher is the type to throw out a hilarious one liner, make a puns throughout lecture that keep us amused so as to listen to what he has to say.  And like the weirdo that I am, I write down everything he says that I think is really funny and quote him in the margins of my notebook.  The funniest part about this is, as soon as I read it again, its not funny at all unless you're an English major, or its one of those "you had to be there moments"  but his response to multitasking is something that I don't think fits the general lines of he normally says, his response was, "Some people call texting, reading a book, writing a paper, watching a movie, and eating dinner, multitasking, but I call it doing eight things poorly at the same because you cannot give your best effort if its divided."
We sat silent, admiring his wisdom until his self-proclaimed favorite student (me) raised my hand, he called on me and I said, "But Z, in that scenario there are only five things, not eight?"
To which he responded, "And that's exactly why this is an English class, and not a math class....math....its gives me hives."
The end of that is kind of a play back to the fact that whenever numbers of any sort are introduced to us linguistic types, we are very scared and we run away.

Anyway this was super tangential, which is actually a term I originally learned in math, awkward. But never the less, the next time you think about multitasking, consider that!  Unfortunately there aren't enough hours in the day to practice this way all of the time, but it is a good thing to consider while doing important things!

To my friends headed off on a long and wild adventure in Texas, I hope you have a blast, if you don't take pictures, we will have a problem.  Keep blogging, keep in touch, and stay safe!

Have a wonderful rest of the day, my socks are super
lame today but I did get these wicked new running shoes!!!!

you cant really tell from this picture but they are ZEBRA print!!!!1 Which is my obsession currently!



The Fantasy World said...

Thanks for the well wishes Kate! I will be taking my camera, but I do not think they will allow a DSLR into any of the venues. I could theoretically obtain professional images, but that's the idea anyways. I'll try to find a way in with it, but don't hold your breath. I will take pictures every where else I can.

Enjoy the weather and have fun without us!

ninalinda said...

love blogosphere!