Thursday, March 29, 2012

Miss me?

Hey Blog scene!

Im back, though tentatively, I am back for at least this one post!! As always, the one blog a day idea does not work for me, no matter how hard I have tried to keep up with that.

Too much has been happening in my life for me to write it all down, much of it has already been forgotten, much of it is being suppressed and much of it I am over playing as usual.

The reason I have been so busy is, well, many reasons actually.

For one, I am a Junior, English Major, and for those of you who don't know, that entails a depressing amount of paper writing, along with a distressing amount of bonus outside of class lectures and readings, along with the backbreaking amount of reading, and its not all enjoyable, novella reading either, some of it is blehhh poetry, and some even worse, anthology textbook reading.  There is nothing I hate more that hardbacks and textbook reading.  except maybe like, poverty, terror, and war.  And well.....I guess the list is a bit longer....

But I digress,

I also recently launched my photography website (more developed but constantly being changed) and along with that I have many photos to edit and post to it.
I also came out with business cards which you can get from a Kate near you! (high class right? RIGHT.)

Another recent time absorber has been MHOU  or Miss Hispanic OU in which my slave driver of a friend had me painstakingly and completely involuntarily take head shots and group shots of all of the contestants, edit them, and THEN I had to create all on my own the tickets for the pageant, and THEN I had to do the music during the whole show.  I am so tortured....

Right now my field hockey team is attempting to grow, just the other day we received our first goal, which was quite expensive, and Maria and I put it together by ourselves!


Oh yea and I have a job.....well thats pretty much it for me today, its been real friends, hope your lives are awesome right now, much love from me to you all :)

Awkward Dream Belowwwww

Ps.  this is a great example of why I can never do a dreaming blog, last night, I had a dream that Patrick Dempsey went on a killing spree and it was up to me to save everyone and I had to kill McDreamy.....Seriously???? What is wrong with my head?!?!??!?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Carb Free is the Way to Be

First does anyone know how hard it is for someone whose favorite foods include rice, pasta, and mashed potatoes to cut out carbs?

Well it actually isn't that hard to do, there are many alternative foods that you can eat to avoid these nasty, unhealthy little monsters but, tonight when I went to the grocery store, the pasta aisle was singing its siren song almost too sweetly and too loudly in my ears, I almost had to give in.

But I didn't.  I feel so much better since to stopped eating carbs (aside from fruit, I love fruit) I have way more energy and it working out really well.  I'm actually extremely impressed at my will power over things I lust after.

Well the week is half over already, I hope you all have wonderful plans this weekend and I hope everything is going well!  Stick to your goals!

Stay Beautiful!

Song of the Day:  Foundations by Kate Nash

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Announcement and....stuff :)

Does anyone else experience that odd calm right before you hear your cat scream and then almost instantaneously the horrible sound of something breaking? I do.  All the time actually.

Use this website if you like to stay calm.

Stay beautiful!! <3

ALSO!!! Im launching a photography website (very much a work in progress) so PLEASE promote it!!
Thanks :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wise Words

Hey Blogosphere!

So today in my class with my favorite teacher someone said something about multitasking.  Now, generally, my teacher is the type to throw out a hilarious one liner, make a puns throughout lecture that keep us amused so as to listen to what he has to say.  And like the weirdo that I am, I write down everything he says that I think is really funny and quote him in the margins of my notebook.  The funniest part about this is, as soon as I read it again, its not funny at all unless you're an English major, or its one of those "you had to be there moments"  but his response to multitasking is something that I don't think fits the general lines of he normally says, his response was, "Some people call texting, reading a book, writing a paper, watching a movie, and eating dinner, multitasking, but I call it doing eight things poorly at the same because you cannot give your best effort if its divided."
We sat silent, admiring his wisdom until his self-proclaimed favorite student (me) raised my hand, he called on me and I said, "But Z, in that scenario there are only five things, not eight?"
To which he responded, "And that's exactly why this is an English class, and not a math class....math....its gives me hives."
The end of that is kind of a play back to the fact that whenever numbers of any sort are introduced to us linguistic types, we are very scared and we run away.

Anyway this was super tangential, which is actually a term I originally learned in math, awkward. But never the less, the next time you think about multitasking, consider that!  Unfortunately there aren't enough hours in the day to practice this way all of the time, but it is a good thing to consider while doing important things!

To my friends headed off on a long and wild adventure in Texas, I hope you have a blast, if you don't take pictures, we will have a problem.  Keep blogging, keep in touch, and stay safe!

Have a wonderful rest of the day, my socks are super
lame today but I did get these wicked new running shoes!!!!

you cant really tell from this picture but they are ZEBRA print!!!!1 Which is my obsession currently!