Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Day of St. Valentine

Hello love bugs and Valentines!  Today is just another day, we should love everyday of the year, keep that in mind out there today, and if you don't have anyone to spend it with, go out with some friends, do something you normally wouldn't do, don't be pessimistic in the sight of other's love.  Be accepting and find your own happiness.
For all my Valentines today, my socks have kisses for all of you! :)

And though I have an extensive list of Valentines this year, I love you all very much and wish the best day ever! :) 
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
Don't go see The Vow, Channing Tatum is extremely hot to be sure but this movie's plot is unfulfilling of the emotions expected based on the trailer.  

Song of the Day:  No Other Way - Jack Johnson 
Socks of the Day: Red Lips <3

1 comment:

ninalinda said...

Lips look nice on your feet! Is that weird to say?

Can't wait to swirl it up at the mont tonight!!