Monday, February 27, 2012

Bad Day, Bright Side!

Today was a no good, very bad, shitty day, so awful, that a children's book title had to be altered to represent it's shittiness.
So recently I received a promotion which is super awesome but with more money comes more responsibility.  I am the catering lead for the Norman location, which doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is to me.
Well today we were short three people as usual and everyone was running around trying to get everything set us as quickly as we could.  While the employees were running around working, my manager was slowly pacing, and saying "Once again I'll have to everything" and "its Norman, people from here are irresponsible" and "Everything's up to me"  Needless to say, when hearing these phrases, everyone was pretty mad and less encouraged to get their work done, I am so used to this behavior that I decided to brush it off because I had a huge order to cater that morning and I just wanted it to go really well so I was working, in this order, I had to do everything, I'd like to make that clear here forum because later, my self absorbed manager took credit for my work.  And you may think that would be when I snapped, but it was actually the second time I snapped.
Now I am a very sensitive person, but physically, it takes a lot to make me cry.
It was only ten minutes before we opened, I was going to take the silverware and ice out to my car and begin loading up the rest of the order, I went through the little western bar style doors and entered the dining area.  My first step landed me on the floor.  Little did I know because of a dramatic lack of signage, the floors were wet.  I landed on my left thigh and my left elbow, both of which are currently very bruised. Three people saw this happen, a girl, J, a girl named K, and my manager, R.
J was rushing over to me when we both hear R say "what the hell are you doing resting on the ground?! We have things to do!!"
Excuse me?  What?
Absolutely not.
Obviously you lack common courtesy  and don't know that I will not stand for that.
I ignored him, stood up and was helped to the bathroom by J and K where I burst into tears and started cursing my manager.  It only took a few minutes to gain full composure.  But after I felt only a little bit better.

I don't want to continue talking about this part of my day but, my manager continued to ridicule me and was extremely rude.

After that I had a nice, long work out in which every dumbbell I dropped and every medicine ball was I threw was my manager's face.  It was a nice way to de-stress but I was still depressed.  Lucky for me I had a hair appointment today, because I get my hair dyed, my average hair appointment is two hours long.  which leaves lots of time for thinking.  And I thought about all the things I have done that make me happy, and make me proud, things that are cool and unique about me, and what makes me happy about myself.
This may seem really really lame or self-centered but sometimes saying to yourself:

I never have a bad hair day.
Im almost always on time
Im honest
I have a good sense of fashion
I look awesome without makeup
I can make a mean bowl of pasta

Makes you feel a lot better when you're ready to give up.  Think about this!! What do you love about yourself?  What makes you different?  It might be just what you need to hear!

Stay Beautiful!

Song of the day:    Merry Happy - Kate Nash

Socks of a few days


cat lady!

 russian dolls?

lady bugs :)

 :) have a lovely day!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Confessions of a I can feel my every muscle in my body crying, person.

So unlike that crazy dreaming girl I am not training for a marathon.  Going from my bed and pepe delgados, or fuzzys, or pizza has however become an unfortunate routine that I am attempting to break.  Its not like I go there every day, but I want to absolve completely.  In the spirit of the season of lint and all that wonderful business, I have decided to give up all fast food and to continue abstaining from soda, I would also like to give up NOT working out.
Recently, I decided that I wouldn't make it to the gym unless I had someone to keep me accountable.  So I got a personal trainer.  Oddly enough, his name is Troy, but he is absolutely not my sweet, awesome daddy.  He is currently both my shrink and the bringer of pain in my life.  Don't get me wrong, I love feeling sore after a good workout but, I also really quite enjoy my ability to move my limbs without whimpering.  Hoping it will pass soon but for now, healthy life is switched into hyperdrive and I feel great!!!
Except I still won't give up caffeine.
Some of you have been informed that I am taking a break from sock of the day in order to find more crazy socks, I have no more pairs that haven't already been pictured, the rest are mix matched so some days I may have to resort to that but I should have my sock pics back up soon!
Thanks to everyone who had Beatles songs, it restored my faith in the world once more!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and that you are all in less pain than myself.

Song of the Day: Domino - Jessie J its a good in the car alone song! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Confessions of a Starbucksaholic

I go to Starbucks after work every night I work....
They never ask me what I want, they know......
I am facebook friends with the baristas........
I get free coffee because they feel awkward charging friends......
I know a lot about their personal lives.......
Thats where I spend the majority of my time, ingesting coffee and making nice with the givers of caffeine highs

I have a problem.  And I have no problem with this fact.  But let me tell you, as long as I'm in school, as long as I'm this busy, it isn't going to stop.

I know I missed yesterday BUT I did snag a pic of my socks so I have Todays and Yesterdays!!!

Also someone at work today couldn't name a single Beatles song and I lost all faith in the free world so if you leave a comment, add at the end what your fav Beatles song is.

Songs of the day: Blackbird, Here Comes the Sun, Ob-La- Di, Ob-La-Da, Why Don't We Do It In The Road, Helter Skelter, Eight Days a Week, A Hard Day's Night, Can't Buy Me Love, Ticket To Ride, Drive My Car, Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever, Octopus's Garden, I am the Walrus, Blue Jay Way, Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, Nowhere Man

And of course all the super classics and well, all of their songs actually


Pink bunnies!!


multi colored hearts

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bicycles on my feet

Yesterday was Valentines day.  I don't think I even noticed, I woke up at five, did homework till eight, went to school till three then went to work till nine then got free coffee from Ben, my starbucks guy and then took a shower and went to bed.  It was a totally normal day except, I actually did more than I normally do, so that's interesting....
Today its a beautiful foggy, hazy day, it doesn't feel like the day after Valentines Day, just the day after Tuesday, one day closer to the weekend.  Today is also sadly, the day that Lance is getting declawed.  I took him to the vet at 7:30 this morning.  I feel horrible that it had to come to this but the scars on my body all agreed that it was just too much.  I love Lance, but I hate his claws, but I am so sorry for doing this to my Lance.  
Today is also an insanely busy day.  I have work, then a free personal training appointment which should be a start to something I do more frequently.  I am very excited about having a personal trainer because it always motivates me to live a healthier life.  Then I have a meeting with the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences , being one of his important cabinet members. And then later I have an English club meeting, Yay!! Its just another day in my life and its another busy one!! 
I hope if you're busy you have enough time for everything in your day and that you make the most of it! 
Happy Wednesday!

Song of the Day: Octopus's Garden - The Beatles

Socks of the Day:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Day of St. Valentine

Hello love bugs and Valentines!  Today is just another day, we should love everyday of the year, keep that in mind out there today, and if you don't have anyone to spend it with, go out with some friends, do something you normally wouldn't do, don't be pessimistic in the sight of other's love.  Be accepting and find your own happiness.
For all my Valentines today, my socks have kisses for all of you! :)

And though I have an extensive list of Valentines this year, I love you all very much and wish the best day ever! :) 
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
Don't go see The Vow, Channing Tatum is extremely hot to be sure but this movie's plot is unfulfilling of the emotions expected based on the trailer.  

Song of the Day:  No Other Way - Jack Johnson 
Socks of the Day: Red Lips <3

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Valentine

My Valentine is me,
My Valentine is you,
My Valentine is Bella,
My Valentine is Nina,
My Valentine is Kyle,
My Valentine is Brandon,
My Valentine is Kevin,
My Valentine is Michael,
My Valentine is Paige,
My Valentine is Tookah,
My Valentine is Karoline,
My Valentine is Mitchell,
My Valentine is Tamara,
My Valentine is Maria,
My Valentine is Taco,
My Valentine is Lance,
My Valentine is My Gaga,
My Valentine is My Papa,
My Valentine is My Grandma,
My Valentine is my Papa,
My Valentine is Jackie,
My Valentine is My Mother,
My Valentine is Troy Benear
My Valentine is Alix,
My Valentine is Bryan,
My Valentine is Evan,
My Valentine is Laney,
My Valentine is Jasper,
My Valentine is Mary,
My Valentine is Howie,
My Valentine is Casey,
My Valentine is Jessie,
My Valentine is Starbucks,
My Valentine is Ben,
My Valentine is Derrick,
My Valentine is Neil Patrick Harris,
My Valentine is Nick Collison,
My Valentine is Reagan,
My Valentine is the mass of people coming for free Fro yo tomorrow,
My Valentine's are Here,
My Valentine's are There,
My Valentine's are Tall,
My Valentine's are Small,
My Valentine's are Like,
My Valentine's are Love,
My Valentine's are What I live for.

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone Especially my Valentines! <3

 Song of the day: I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston, RIP.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Short and Sweet

Tomorrow is a new day, and tomorrow is my new beginning!
My week will start off in a very productive way,
I will put off nothing,
I will try my hardest
I will stay positive!
Hope everyone's week starts off as I intend for mine to, WONDERFULLY!! :)

Stay warm!

Song of the day:  Blue Lips - Regina Spektor

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I Should Probably be doing my Homework.....and just so you know Im not proof reading this so sorry for mistakes :)

So as some Arete guy pointed out, there are vast gaps between my posts on occasion.  But really, he's one to talk, at least I post sometimes.... :)
Anyway, the reason I do not keep a set schedule of when I will blog can be broken down into multiple reasons:
1. I have a life
2. I have homework
3. I can't always think of what I want to write about
4. Sometimes I begin a post and do not know how I want to end it
5. Seriously, you should see how many drafts I have on here

But today I decided that since my life is insanely stressful and super busy that on my two hour break from work, I would talk about what has been going on in my life! :)

Last week my friend invited me to a Thunder game which was really fun, we went out for dinner with her family and then stayed for the whole game and watched the Thunder absolutely dominate!  Then as we were leaving I got accosted with love by my second family, it was so fun to get to see them and I wish I had been there with them.  That night my second family and some friends went out in Bricktown, and I sadly had to drive my 20 year old friend back to Norman.  I ended my night, alone with Lance and a few episodes of Greys on Netflix.
Then last weekend, my parents went out of town and I had to make the trek up to our home in the city to watch our dogs.  I was less than excited about this because I can't stand being alone.  I was really bummed because all of my friends were busy with this or that, I had dinner with my grandparents and was about to retire to my bed early when Arete texted me saying that he was actually free to do something.  I was so excited because as stated above, I hate being alone and I really wanted to do something with my friends!  So I changed out of my sweat pants into some nicer clothes and I went to pick up Arete and we went to my parents country club and had fancy brandy drinks with wealthy old people.  It was fun, we had a great conversation however we watched the heart breaking defeat of the Thunder at the hands of the Spurs.
After drinks, I gave him a tour of the club because I think it has a pretty cool history and then my Dreaming friend and my Fantasy friend texted and called me saying she/he wanted to do something I was elated because originally I was all alone but soon, I would be with three of my very close friends.  Arete and I went back to my house where we were met by a dreamer and her friend, we all came in from the cold and had a few moments of awkward small talk before we broke out into a game of Harry Potter Clue. The boys were none too pleased to be partaking in such a ridiculous game and would have greatly preferred a rousing game of Twilight or New Moon.  The boys though in the end, ended up being the best at the game, Arete came out victorious.
Soon there was a knock at the door, and behind it was my Fantasy friend!  He came in wearing a very cool wooden tie and began cracking jokes at the Dreamers expense, but they were enjoyed by all of us!
After a while Dreamer and her friend left and it was just Arete, Fantasy and myself, another wave of awkward talking occurred because we had nothing to do and then, Fantasy pulled a deck of cards out of his coat pocket.  And the games began, I don't remember the exact order of events because I think we ended up playing cards for almost four hours but I do recall playing poker and some other betting game in which we turned my animals and objects in the room into our own monetary system. (1 Bella = 50 Nemos) Then we played spades in which I was the champion, we play ERS in which Fantasy dominated and then we moved on to playing odd forms of memory games invented by Fantasy which I was down right awful at and Arete absolutely dominated.
By this point in the evening we were all a little delirious and I believe around 3 or 3:30 we decided to call it quits on the games and we all turned in for the night.
I had so much fun with my friends, I am so happy that I have such an amazing group of friends that, when they know I'm sad or feel left out, they would come and keep me company. :)
This week has been incredibly stressful. I was assigned three papers and a group project in an online class which up until last night at 11pm, no one had contributed to.  I have been so frustrated all week that last night, I joined my friends at the PanAm party.  We danced the whole time but I was so stressed out that it was hard to let loose and have a really fun time.  Twice my friend pulled me up onto the stage to dance which was pretty exhilarating, that was probably my favorite part of the evening, I felt on top of the world, the high from dancing on stage is outrageous.  The night however turned sour whenever I would walk away from my friends, every time, without fail, if I stood still for too long, some random person would be bumping and grinding on my backside.  Okay I have things to say about this:
1. Yes, I like to dance
2. Yes, I like to dance with guys, even if I don't know them.
3. No, I do not like to be grabbed and rubbed up against by someone whose face I never see
4. I greatly prefer being courageous and going up to guys that I WANT to dance with.
That may seem rude, but its just something that bothers me a lot about dances like this, the style in which our generation dances is so impersonal, I just don't enjoy it very much.
Because of the multitude of creepy grinding strangers, I departed the party before the rest of my friends, which does not bother me, I wanted them to enjoy themselves and I never want to be the person who stops others from having fun.
Highlight of the night: Dannon dancing on the table, hands down the greatest part!
Today I am working all day which is.....less than desired by myself.
But tonight! I am going to have a late night sushi dinner with friends :)
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

The songs of the week are anything by Maroon 5 or from the Tangled soundtrack because I love them!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


.....A carefully thought out and eloquently written blog post at length, this week however, I have many (3) time consuming papers to write (school -> gross)

For now I shall tell you that last night I had a dream that Taco, my 1700 lb horse lived in my garage and when I came home from school he would get excited like a dog, it was pretty awesome but Bella was none too pleased.  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Medical Mystery

So I thought since yesterday Nina wrote a blog that copied mine, that I would follow suit.

Normally I can't remember my dreams, it probably has something to do with my rain machine app on my iPad next to my bed, or maybe I just have a horrid memory.  For the past few weeks however, I have had a recurring dream.

I'm doing normal things like going to the movies, going out, eating with friends, working, and then all the sudden, I pass out.
Most people don't know that when I was younger, I punctured a lung because of a bizarre accident that caused my ribs to press against my lungs.  Now occasionally I have a very hard time breathing and have to go to a doctor or if its mild, I just wait for it to pass.  Also I'm super prone to accidents, I'm more susceptible to snake venom, I have worse reactions than the average person.
Because of these reasons, I'm never surprised that I pass out in my dreams.  When I wake up, I'm always in my bedroom but, there are machines everywhere helping me breathe and administering fluids and all of those great things.  I assume I'm at home but then, a doctor and his interns come in and begin their rounds.  It turns out that this is in fact a hospital room that has been modified for my comfort.  I am in here so much that they wanted me to feel at home.
Later in the dream I come to realize that I have a disease, Lupus.  So I pretty much have to live in the hospital.  The whole time though, I just act like its an inconvenience, not like its a life changing problem, this really shocks me because I don't think I could ever get used to being that sick in real life.
I know the reason I have this dream every night is because of the high volume of Grey's Anatomy and House that I watch but, it doesn't really bother me, the dream so I guess I'll just continue to have it.  What I like about it is every time, it focuses less on the beginning and more on my living in the hospital, interactions with friends, apparently I keep it as a secret and my friends only find out when I pass out with them and am rushed to the hospital.  I'd like to think that I would tell my close friends what is going.  I think that they are all shocked to find out but not of them are offend, which surprises me, I feel like if a friend keeps that big of a secret, I would be angry.
But anyway, if the dream becomes more clear and grows, I will write another post about it but for now, I hope you all have a good day :)
oh and Nina, Dry humping valentine.  That is all.