To begin, I am thankful for my family, I love them so much and cannot imagine anything in life without them, they are so supportive and always so fun to be around.
We go everywhere together and share everything, I could tell my family anything and they would still love me unconditionally and that is amazing and miraculous.
I am thankful for my pets, especially Bella because she is by far the worlds greatest dog in the ever. She's always full of energy and ready for anything, even on those days when I don't want to get out of my bed, she's up for that as well. I have had her for three years and they have been a blast, could not have asked for a better dog!
even during those awkward years when she didn't know what color to be.
Cutest dog in the world.
How could one talk about Thankfulness without mentioning Mr. Taco? He is my rock, I tell him all of my secrets and he takes me anywhere I want to go. He is loving and comforting and always knows what to say (telepathically of course)
I love my little Taco man so very much and even though I don't see him a lot, I know he loves me too :)
I am thankful that I had the opportunity to adopt an elephant, Max gives me hope that animal cruelty will end, I have never met Max but I took this picture from his web page.
Not that elephant, this elephant!
Ok family, animals, that does not even begin to cover it! I am thankful for all of friends, they are always there for me in any situation that I would ever need them in, but the biggest thing I am thankful for is the survival of my family and friend, Mark McBride, who on August 31st 2011 was dubbed cancer free. I cannot imagine a world without Mark Thrasher McBride in it. He is so intelligent and hilarious he loves everyone so much and he is the strongest person that I know, I look up to him in every aspect of life and am so blessed that he will remain a huge part of my life for many many many years to come. Colon cancer took a tole on him but he fought back and beat it!
Celebrating with the family!
My other friends are crackups and awesome and now I will just post a couple of pictures of them, if you're reading this, thanks for being the greatest and making life so awesome!
My Friends are:
In touch with their feminine sides
They go go go until they hit the cement
They are fancy
They are Chicken
They don't use pam
They Party at Thunder games.....tear :(
They're so cute!
They are insane!
They love Christmas parties
They are in Musicals and Plays
They go to Hawaii
They are obsessed with Harry Potter
They are the greatest, and I love every single one of them!
The last two pictures are from two different Harry Potter midnight premieres, super awesome nerds!
According to blogspot I am a crazy person and can add no more pictures to my blog today haha
I hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and friends!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Song of the day: Take it Away
By: Karmin