Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful, Thankful for everything

While Thanksgiving is a day of family and food I seem to normally forget that it is also just about being thankful so today I am going to talk about most of the things I am thankful for.

To begin, I am thankful for my family, I love them so much and cannot imagine anything in life without them, they are so supportive and always so fun to be around.

We go everywhere together and share everything, I could tell my family anything and they would still love me unconditionally and that is amazing and miraculous.  

I am thankful for my pets, especially Bella because she is by far the worlds greatest dog in the ever.  She's always full of energy and ready for anything, even on those days when I don't want to get out of my bed, she's up for that as well. I have had her for three years and they have been a blast, could not have asked for a better dog!

even during those awkward years when she didn't know what color to be.

Cutest dog in the world. 

How could one talk about Thankfulness without mentioning Mr. Taco?  He is my rock, I tell him all of my secrets and he takes me anywhere I want to go.  He is loving and comforting and always knows what to say (telepathically of course) 

I love my little Taco man so very much and even though I don't see him a lot, I know he loves me too :)

I am thankful that I had the opportunity to adopt an elephant, Max gives me hope that animal cruelty will end, I have never met Max but I took this picture from his web page. 

Not that elephant, this elephant!

Ok family, animals, that does not even begin to cover it!  I am thankful for all of friends, they are always there for me in any situation that I would ever need them in, but the biggest thing I am thankful for is the survival of my family and friend, Mark McBride, who on August 31st 2011 was dubbed cancer free.  I cannot imagine a world without Mark Thrasher McBride in it.  He is so intelligent and hilarious he loves everyone so much and he is the strongest person that I know, I look up to him in every aspect of life and am so blessed that he will remain a huge part of my life for many many many years to come.  Colon cancer took a tole on him but he fought back and beat it!

Celebrating with the family! 

My other friends are crackups and awesome and now I will just post a couple of pictures of them, if you're reading this, thanks for being the greatest and making life so awesome!

My Friends are:


In touch with their feminine sides

They go go go until they hit the cement

They are fancy 

They are Chicken

They don't use pam 

They Party at Thunder games.....tear :( 

They're so cute!

They are insane!

They love Christmas parties 

They are in Musicals and Plays

They go to Hawaii 

They are obsessed with Harry Potter 

They are the greatest, and I love every single one of them! 

The last two pictures are from two different Harry Potter midnight premieres, super awesome nerds!

According to blogspot I am a crazy person and can add no more pictures to my blog today haha

I hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and friends!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Song of the day: Take it Away 
By: Karmin

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

So far so good

The picture speaks for itself.

Fantasy for Fantasy

I did a focus called "Fantasy escape for fantasy characters"  I'm posting the first set of pictures from this which was Dorthy from The Wizard of Oz.  My thoughts when making this was to expose the secrets and desires of these childhood idols and show them to everyone.  I hope you enjoy them they were a blast to shoot!  "Dorthy's Day Off"

That's just a peak into the 150 pictures I took of "Dorthy" but there are wayyyy too many of them.  The best part or rather the most awkward thing about this shoot was there were young children all over this park and their parents wondering what on earth we were doing.  

On a completely unrelated note:

This week is Thanksgiving break which for most people means family, food, and football but for people from the little town of Nicholas Hills it means throwing money at the Beaux Arts Charity to watch young women in wedding dresses and young men in tuxes parade around a ball room.  It's debutant season!  I am both happy and sad that I will not be one of the girls in an obnoxious white dress this year, it was both extremely fun but also extremely stressful, I can't wait to see my younger friends presented but, I am even more excited to go to their coming out parties downtown! 

Yes it looks like a ton of fun to some people but that stress I was talking about might just turn you into what my mother and sister being calling me, "Debzilla" I was so nervous about bowing to the king (yes my town is stuck in the middle ages for sure) and dancing on the floor that I became this angry, yelling, crazy person that I had no control over.

Just an example of what Debzilla looks like, it became a really funny joke so then I would act like this all of the time.  Haha Goodness I'm beautiful and not at all full of myself. Well, as I said this year I will be watching as a member of the royal court (I mean really, 21st century right?) 
But I still can't wait!  Happy Thanksgiving again!

SONG OF THE DAY:  Dress and Tie 
By: Charlene Kaye feat. Darren Criss from Glee
Really good song check it out!!! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Quality over Quantity

I have received permission, well, more like elated demands from one of my "models" who wants her pictures posted on this forum.  I will probably get around to this tomorrow, I want to look at the color on the pictures and adjust them as I see fit before posting them on here.
The same person also complained that I had not yet updated my blog today, she even jokingly suggested I skip my homework to do this, that was very flattering for me to find out that I had more than two people reading my blog but as I told her, I feel kind of cheap forcing the wisdom and words out of soul.  I am much more comfortable with expressing them as they come.  So please do not cry if I go a few days without writing.  I will however try to post pictures I've taken with a small anecdote to please the "demand" haha.
But I do not want to lose the enjoyment that I receive from said forum.  This is a way for me to release my feelings, relax and polish my literary skills.  I enjoy the compliments very much and thank those who have given them.
I hope that everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving break and that you all enjoy your turkeys, tofurkeys, or what-have-yous.

Song of the day:  5 O'clock  By Tpain feat. Whiz Khalifa and Lily Allen
this is a joke, this song absolutely annoys me to death but I wanted someone to see it here :)

Here's some random pictures! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Baylor, Booze and Beautiful People

I am really in the mood to blog but at the same time, I am on my 5th glass of wine, and I am quite sure my eloquence has been drained from my body.  Its been a rough day for me, harassed by BU fans, losing the game, sad sad day.  But I have this lovely bottomless glass of wine and good friends to ease the pain of that loss, which honestly was not that big of a deal for me.  The bears played really well and I was quite impressed with their skill.
Regardless of the outcome of the game, this has been a very fun journey with friends I haven't seen in quite sometime I have greatly enjoyed spending time with them but I am very ready to get the heck out of Texas.
I have quite possibly the greatest friends, we can have fun anywhere, football games, bars, playing, scagories, I have no idea how to spell that.....jamming out to nicki manaj rocking a slanket (ghetto snuggie) its all fun times in Waco, shocker because there is nothing else to do here.
Its just like I'm at home with my friends I see everyday, I'm rambling and I can't focus because my friends are too damn hilarious right now.  goodbye for now

Friday, November 18, 2011


Today I took an terribly long and lonely drive to Waco, Texas to visit my friends and to watch OU win a football game.  I was very excited to make the drive by myself because I was ready for a little alone time to think and the majority of the time I was thinking about things I could blog about, I forgot everything I was thinking about today because three hours into my drive, whilst sitting in Dallas traffic, I got tired of the silence.  I could no longer listen to the sultry sounds of John, Paul, George, and Ringo, they were slowly drifting me into dream land and I really almost fell asleep at the wheel.  It was only when I switched to my dramatic musicals playlist that I began to perk up and observe my surroundings and enjoy myself again.  One feeling, one emotion, one state of being is not enough to satisfy any human being on this planet, our uniqueness, our taste in music, our flexibility this is what makes us who we are.  I really have no idea what I am saying right now, I just can't sleep so maybe this observation will bore other people but I really don't care right now.......

On a side note, I have decided to post more of my artwork on here but I before I post the majority of it, I need to get permission from some of my models, if you will.

These I have already posted else where so I know I can put them here.  The focus of this shoot was Flash Dance.....kinda.

Oh my goodness that took forever, wacky town Waco has the slowest wifi, I'm almost convinced its some sneaky form of dial-up
I listened to so many songs today.....
Song of the day: Haven't Met You Yet By Michael Buble 
because that song always cheers me up, 


Monday, November 14, 2011

All, All, About the Fall

I think the fall is my favorite time of the year.  
Trees don their new outfits,
their confidence blooming from root to limb
but the fashion is fleeting, winter is just around the corner
this impending freeze makes fall rare
we must treasure the picnic weather, 
walk our dogs, play that game of golf 
because before you know it, the trees are thread bare 
only covered by the lights we dress them in 
season tidings are just around the corner but for now
I choose to seize this beautiful gift and enjoy it

Song of the day:  Drive My Car By: The Beatles

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Creative, Catchy Title.

Tonight was very interesting to say the least.  I went to a benefit party for David Yurman that my mom threw at the Chesapeake Boat House and had the same awkward small talky conversation at least fifteen times which lead to a very large intake of merlot.
"Where are you at school?"
"I'm a junior at OU"
"Oh I thought you went to TCU
"Nope. That's my sister...."
"Oh well I hear someone's 21!"
"Yes that would be me"
"Do you feel soooo old"
By this point the conversation is generally ended by another person beginning the exact same conversation.  This is one thing that I really do not enjoy about the small town I am from.  Everyone is sneaky but polite.  I won't get into this right now because it will start a dreadful rant that is essentially never ending.  But Nicholas Hills is dangerously small and everyone knows way too much about each other.
Which leads me to the most upsetting part of the evening.  Nicholas Hills has always had its scandals and adultery is not uncommon however, generally speaking its one spouse being unfaithful.  Recently, a man, lets call him Kent and the woman can be Missy, both cheated on their spouses with each other.  Kent and Missy's husband were best friends, talk about awkward when all of the separating went down, friend groups were destroyed.  Well my father and I went to a local watering hole tonight called mamasitas and who was there cozied up together but Kent and Missy the adulteress duo.  I understand they have a certain sexual attraction, cool, great, go do that, but really? Are you so audacious and shameless that you can sit in a bar that everyone goes to!? Ugh.  Angry.  Gross. No bueno.
But I digress.  I've been writing a funny short story for sometime but I haven't worked on it in sometime but I anticipate posting it on here as soon as I am inspired to continue writing it.
Last night I had a wonderful time with a couple of friends at a sort of potluck dinner where we all made something, but they didn't all turn out exactly as planned.  One friend made carmel apples which were so sticky that instead of being a delicious, sweet treat, they became a lot of laughs because they were quite hard to get off of the plate.  I always have a good time with my friends, I always look forward to when we all get together.
This has been a really stressful week but the song of the day thats keeping me calm is a tie between
Lovesong by Adele
Won't Go Home Without You by Maroon 5
15 Step by Radiohead

enjoy the weekend <3

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let it Ride

Today is the final day of my adventures in Las Vegas.  And I am happy to inform that the house does not always win, at least not in my case because I let it all ride on my reckless hand of blackjack and tripled my money.  That was pretty exciting for me, partially because I am saving my money to buy something but also because I've really never made such a rash decision in my life.  I feel like I have been playing it safe my whole life, not that there is anything wrong with that, safe is good but safe doesn't change, doesn't grow, doesn't evolve.  Safe is predictable I've broken my trend, I am no longer predictable.  I suppose I am growing up and changing, appropriate for my current life stage.
But I digress, This weekend has been spectacular.  I danced at the ghost bar on the glass floor,  I went to Phantom of the Opera for the second time and it was absolutely phenomenal the set was so beautiful and the cast was so well put together.  I laughed a bit and a cried a lot but it was great.  Last night my whole family went to the Cirque du Soleil performance of Beatles Love and that was such a blast; I love the Beatles so I enjoyed singing along while these stunning acrobats performed the coolest show I have ever seen.  Awestruck.  Amazingly amazing.
Vegas has been very fun, I've shamelessly had a drink at every meal, had dessert every night  I've stay out till at least two every night, and many other things that aren't in my every day schedule.  I hate to say it but I am quite anxious to return to my routine, my home, and my friends.  I miss working out everyday, I miss eating veggies and not feeling guilty about every meal I eat, I miss going out with my friends, I MISSED a Sobo party, also I have this thing called homework that is going to destroy me as soon as I get home.  There's something about Vegas that will not let me get anything productive done.
Back to Okc tonight around 10 its been real Vegas.  But I've gotta get back to this beautiful place.

Song of the day: Never Gonna Leave This Bed, Maroon 5

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Faces, New Places


I've been to so many foreign places in my life, from the Forbidden Islands of Hawaii, to the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps, to the relaxing waters of Mexico, to gaze on the beauty and power of Mount. Vesuvius, to the inside of the Coliseum and hiding on an alley in Capri and many more, but I did not want to bore whoever reads this with all of my photography. 
Sadly, my beautiful Nikon will not be joining me this trip which relieves me in a way because it is my large and bulky, yet delicate flower.  I will however still be taking pictures because I can't imagine being without one.  It's thanks to my friends that I have a more portable camera with which to capture the memories of my trip to Las Vegas, so close to home and yet still so foreign to me.  I fear that such a good time will be had that the only real memories I will have will be through the lens on my camera.
I am unsure of just what awaits me in this city, gambling, night clubs, and the occasion hooker, perhaps I'll take in a show at Thunder from down under, who knows I greatly anticipate a good time and I can't wait for the plane to touch down. 
Song of the day:  Almost Familiar by Pretty Lights

Good day, Internet.