Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Life Update

Hey Guys! 

This is a long overdue update blog! 

So hello, I know this blog has been full of several empty promises, and for that, I am truly sorry for anyone (if anyone) that was upset by my hiatus.  
Believe it or not, but I'm a human, despite my inability to decipher captchas on the internet.

Side note, if you DO understand this, you're probably an alien.  And if you're an alien, cool, wanna be friends?   
I'm sure there are however humans out there that are saying "Kate, I'm not an alien and I totally understand that"  well congratulations, seemly human life form, as far as I know, that classifies you as a super human, so good for you.  Some of us (me) are not that high functioning, its hard enough for me to put my pants on one leg at a time. Ha ha ha I don't wear pants. 

Well despite that tangent, I am determined to get back on track!  I am a human, which means, I can't sit in front of this computer and amuse you for every second of everyday.  Unless, of course, you read my archived blogs over and over again, in which case, what? why? go outside, smell a flower, get off you computer crazy!
Ok serious time, since we last talked....since I last wrote in your general direction, I have started working a full time job, that monopolizes more of my time that I am happy to think about.  I am also still in college.  So lets add this up:  
over 45 hours of work a week
about 30 hours spent on homework a week 
so right there we have 75 hours out of 168 in the week, leaving only 93 which sounds like a lot right?
well let be generous and take out 35 hours for sleeping, 15 for playing mine craft because I'm THAT kind of nerd and honestly, probably 5 if not more for watching youtube videos not to mention the time I spend THINKING about doing things, thats a solid 30 hours a week (the time I would be sleeping if I wasn't an insomniac.  And then 8 hours that I dedicate to showers, baths, and primping.  
Whats that? I ran out of time? 
What's also that? I'm horrible at managing time? 
You are absolutely right about that.  Rearrange my priorities? Nah, I'd rather not.  But I will take twnety minutes, from Minecraft, youtube, primping, homework, and sleep in order to write on both of my blogs every week
WHAT? Another blog? Yep.  You could say its the only reason I'm writing this post, and you would be right.   
Don't even worry about it, I have already acknowledged my bad track record on the new blog, so go there to read it and subscribe!  It should be really cool and I'm super excited about it!!
Guys.  I'm gonna try my hardest ok? Ok. 
I was gonna write more but my mac's about to die and I have an hour before work and nothing to do but check out the new blog:
Love you guys! New blog next week! Stay awesome!