Monday, October 8, 2012

Lost, again. aka the Abby Castro Show

Don't ask me how or why friends, but once again, I find myself in the belly of the Organic Chem II lecture hall.  There's a test coming up so its time to knuckle down and get into chemistry gear.  I am once again questioning my future. What if I actually knew what all those funky shapes the professor is drawing are?  I could be a fucking doctor!  I could be a Grey's Anatomy doctor!  I could be ANYTHING.  But lets get real people.  Me? A Doctor? Its laughable. Can you imagine me delivering news to a patient?  I have no concept of bedside manner, I'd be out of a job as soon as I nervously giggled through telling someone they have a tumor.  Yep.  I'm that doctor.
Or better yet, I could be a physicist.  Do I even need to elaborate on this to get a laugh out of you? Yea, didn't think so.
Even still!  I could be an engineer!  I could make tons of really cool things, like the revolving closet from Clueless, or and automatic outfit arranger!  Yep, that's all I would do.
That one wasn't as funny, oh well.
The bottom line is, my desires really don't match up with the depth and intellectual demands that are present in this specific major.  And thats ok!  Where my dear friend Abby could become a surgeon, I could become an author, a photographer, an english teacher, a grant writer, there are so many possibilities, I chose this major because I knew that I would NEED to have several options as to what I could do in the future.  I cannot be satisfied with settling down with one job for the rest of my life.

On a completely unrelated note, I am already getting stressed out about my photo shoot in the near future, if anyone would like to help me on concept and costume ideas, they would be greatly appreciated!  It just helps me to talk out my ideas and I love getting suggestions, its a modern day rendition of Alice in Wonderland, called Alice in my land.  Any suggestions at all are greatly appreciated!

SONG OF THE DAY: "Beg Me" by Denver Duncan.

Special shout-out to Abby Castro for her contribution in today's song selection.  Denver is a local singer/song writer from Oklahoma.  Be sure to look him up on iTunes for the best version quality, or even buy it for just $0.99.  You won't regret it!

PICTURE OF THE DAY: (Shout out to Abby continued)

She's single everyone!!!! Message in the comments for her number :)

Have an awesome day! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Lets be real.  In one way or another, everyone has one, and in turn, everyone is one.  I showed that first line to three of my friends, and everyone nodded in agreement.  This is our society, we are a community of creepy individuals, with our facebooks, twitters, smart phones, you name it, (I never go anywhere without at least two pieces of high-tech gadgetry) we are so "connected" but in reality, all I feel is a dramatic lack of connection.  No, this isn't an emo "no one understands me" kind of moment, merely an observation.  Take this morning for instance, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I meet with the greatest group of people on campus, MGoC, you've probably heard of us, we're big in the union.  As I was saying, I met with my MGoC'ers and immediately, three out of the four of us pulled out our computers and two of us pulled in one headphone and proceeded to listen to music, get on Facebook, googling, and pinning things.  And this isn't an attack by any means, I was most certainly one of those people both on their computer and listening to music.  Its just an observation, when did this happen?  When did we become these people who cant sit still without an IV of internet and a double dose of smart phone?  And this is something I really don't have an answer to, I don't even know if its necessarily a bad thing, our generation grew up with this awesome internet thing, and we, like it have grown bigger and stronger.  To go completely out of my comfort zone and into the realms of science, a symbiotic relationship, if you will, we need each other do thrive.  At least, thats how I feel especially after my google drought.
I think I've come to a pleasing place mentally and will close this blog with a series of boop.  I realize that the title really doesn't reflect the blog at all anymore but oh well, not changing it.


SONG OF THE DAY: Lil Freak by: Usher